Extracting text (and annotations) from HTML with Python
Python offers a number of options for extracting text from HTML documents. Specialized python libraries such as Inscriptis and HTML2Text provide good convers...
Python offers a number of options for extracting text from HTML documents. Specialized python libraries such as Inscriptis and HTML2Text provide good convers...
Wildcard SSL certificates cover all subdomains under a certain domain - e.g. *.k8s.example.net will cover recognyze.k8s.example.net, inscripits.k8s.example.n...
DavMail enables access to Exchange servers over standard protocols such as IMAP, SMTP and Caldav. It, therefore, allows you to check your company e-mail fro...
Although Gnome supports CalDAV and CardDAV, it currently only allows configuring them for Nextcloud servers. Their is a long standing Bug Report which descri...
Network-bound disk encryption allows unlocking LUKS devices (e.g. the encrypted root file system of an Ubuntu server) without entering the password. Instead ...
The Ubuntu standard setup for an encrypted root file system is quite complex as the following output shows:
Install InfluxDB and Grafana at your server and create a database
This article summarizes hints for optimizing and deploying Apache Storm topologies.
The Raspberry Pi is operated from at home keeping noise and power consumption in mind.
This guide outlines how to deploy third party jars to a local repository over WebDAV. Using WebDAV requires (i) setting up the login data of the WebDAV repo...
This post provides suggestions for a suitable linux desktop configuration
Suggested Resources
create a docker virtualbox machine and connect to it docker-machine create dbms eval "$(docker-machine env dbms)" build the docker image ...
This page provides information on how to make your mailserver more resiliant against mail abuse.
How to install virtual appliances on VirtualBox.