Database Life Migration

2 minute read


The Media Watch on Climate Change aggregates, annotates, and visualizes environmental articles from 150 Anglo-American news media sites. From 300,000 news media articles gathered in weekly intervals, the system selects, annotates and indexes about 10,000 articles focusing on environmental issues, before storing them in a central knowledge repository, which can be navigated along multiple dimensions like time, topics, keywords, and geographic proximity.

The IDIOM Media Watch builds upon webLyzard a large-scale Web assessment and monitoring framework mirroring thousands of pages in daily, weekly and monthly intervals. webLyzard’s database comprises millions of documents, annotations and pictures stored in a PostgreSQL database.

Currently database upgrades and data transfers require a considerable effort in terms of man hours and server outage. The goal of this thesis is providing a framework for database live migration based on the PL/Python database language. The framework will enable the transfer of whole databases or tables between databases and provide optional support for the translation of data constructs between those databases.


The goals of this thesis are

  1. overview: use of databases in data mining, e-marketing and information retrieval
  2. traditional approaches and problems in database migration (postgres 8.2 -> copy/restore, …)
  3. literature and web research evaluating:
    1. database migration and synchronization strategies for open source databases with a focus on postgresql (e.g. slony, …)
    2. closed source solutions (e.g. oracle & co)
    3. open source solutions and the techniques employing these techniques
  4. requirement definition for such a solution
  5. design & implementation of a life database migration framework
  6. testing / evaluation
  7. outlook and conclusions


The following graphic outlines the general structure of this framework. Two adapter components (DataBaseMigrationConnector and DataBaseMigrationConnectorSlave) allow the translation of tables and the whole database. Translation profiles facilitate the (optional) translation of constructs between different database software and versions.

The framework creates a barebone database (without any keys and constraints) on the destination database, migrates all data to the destination and finally adds the necessary database and table constraints.


The sources and the completed theses can be downloaded from the svn repository:


  • Postgresql homepage | Table Partitioning | Server Programming
  • Create a Partitioned Table In PostgreSQL
  • Noyer, Ulf and Ruschinzik, Martin and Rataj, Jürgen (2007). Teile und herrsche - Tabellenpartitionierung in PostgreSQL, iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, April 2007, pages 141–143
  • Milen Kulev and Peter Welker (2007). Data Warehouses & Open-Source-Datenbanken, Datenbank-Spektrum, dpunkt.verlag, pages 25–36, 7(22)
  • PLProxy - a database partitioning system implemented as PL language
  • PyReplica - a PostgreSQL Python-based Master/Slave replication system
