Thesis submission

1 minute read

This page provides instructions regarding the submission of drafts, single chapters and final thesis.


Please stick to the following guidelines for all your submissions to speed up response times.

General Points (§1)

  1. You cited an appropriate number of referred sources such as conference papers and journal articles (see this article for a list of resources you might find helpful to locate relevant literature).
  2. Please check your work for spelling and grammar errors (I recommend that you ask a friend for proof-reading), because otherwise you might seriously delay feedback circles.

Proposals, Drafts, and Single Chapters (§2)

To help keeping the feedback time short, please stick to the following minimum quality criteria before submitting any material:

  1. Check the draft’s spelling and grammar.
    • LaTeX (english): aspell -c -l en_US thesis.tex

    • LaTeX (german) : aspell -c -l de_AT thesis.tex

  2. Write out all numbers between one and twelve, as long as they do not reference figures or tables. Write out abbreviation the first time you use them.
  3. Check and remove any orphaned headings (there should always be at least one sentence after a heading introducing a chapter).
  4. Do not use abbreviations in any headings without explaining them!
  5. References to tables and figures are correct and written with capital letters (e.g., “As Figure 3 demonstrates…”; “For further reference please have a look at Table 1.”).
  6. You use a consistent style for figures and tables referring to the same or similar analysis.
  7. The text in all figures is readable and has about the font size of the main document.
  8. Check whether your citation style conforms with the guidelines.
  9. Your bibliography is complete and correct.
  10. You’ve converted the draft into the Postscript or PDF format and the layout of the Postscript/PDF file is still correct.


  • Headings and abbreviations:

  3.1. P3P                                - WRONG!
  3.1. Privacy Policy Preferences         - OK
  3.1. Privacy Policy Preferences (P3P)   - OK

  • Numbers:

 Figure 5 visualizes this trend....       - OK
 the next 6 chapters focus on ...         - WRONG
 the next six chapters focus on ...       - OK

  • References to figures and tables:

 For further reference please take a look at figure 3. - WRONG
 For further reference please take a look at Figure 3. - OK
 The next two figures present...                       - OK
 The sequence of letters shown in table 2...           - WRONG
 The sequence of letters shown in Table 2...           - OK
