Optimizing Data Retention in Postgresql
The Media Watch on Climate Change aggregates, annotates, and visualizes environmental articles from 150 Anglo-American news media sites. From 300,000 news media articles gathered in weekly intervals, the system selects, annotates and indexes about 10,000 articles focusing on environmental issues, before storing them in a central knowledge repository, which can be navigated along multiple dimensions like time, topics, keywords, and geographic proximity.
The IDIOM Media Watch builds upon webLyzard a large-scale Web assessment and monitoring framework mirroring thousands of pages in daily, weekly and monthly intervals. webLyzard’s database comprises millions of documents, annotations and pictures stored in a PostgreSQL database.
Handling this amount of data required intelligent data handling and retention strategies distributing data among different kinds of storage depending on its importance and usage levels. This thesis shall address some of those challenges by implementing a postgresql module for intelligent data retention and distribution.
The goals of this thesis are
- a literature and web research evaluating:
- database data handling technologies (tablespaces, table partitioning, …)
- open source solutions and the techniques employing these techniques
- methods for acquiring PostgreSQL database/table/row usage statistics
- design of a testcase for evaluating data retention
- implementation of 1-3 data retention strategies for postgresql
- Postgresql homepage | Table Partitioning | Server Programming
- Create a Partitioned Table In PostgreSQL
- Noyer, Ulf and Ruschinzik, Martin and Rataj, Jürgen (2007). Teile und herrsche - Tabellenpartitionierung in PostgreSQL, iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, April 2007, pages 141–143
- Milen Kulev and Peter Welker (2007). Data Warehouses & Open-Source-Datenbanken, Datenbank-Spektrum, dpunkt.verlag, pages 25–36, 7(22)
- PLProxy - a database partitioning system implemented as PL language
- PyReplica - a PostgreSQL Python-based Master/Slave replication system